Friday, February 5, 2010


I am looking for a sentence or paragraph from any of you from this or last year's coaching group to add to a proposal for my new book, Little Changes Big Results! If you want to send me something, please email me at

Thanks so much!


Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Final 2009 Call Info -- Wow what a Year!

Playback Dial-in Number: 1-218-486-8703
Playback Access Code: 863213

Be sure to use this telephone number and access code, and not the previous Dial-in Number and access codes associated with the conference call itself.

Happy New Year Everyone!


Monday, December 28, 2009

Celebrate by Cleaning Out, Giving Up, and Selling Off!

Greetings! I'd like to just say a few words before I post our final assignment for 2009. I trust that each of you have been able to celebrate this holiday season with a great sense of God's presence in your life. I hope you read the entire book of Luke as it is such a wonderful presentation of the entire life of Jesus, bringing His passion and purpose on earth into our daily lives even in the 21st century!

Final Assignment: Clean Out, Give Up, and Sell Off! This is a perfect weekend to clean out your closet! For every piece of clothing or kitchen utensil that you received, consider giving away the same piece or utensil to your local charity. For every unforgiveness or unmet expectation, consider journaling about it and giving it up for good. Clean the slate of your heart and start 2010 emotionally fresh and new. (Why not?) And finally, look around your home and office or even in the trunk of your car or storage unit and consider having a garage or Ebay sale! Books, coats, toys, and fitness equipment can make for a great "slush fund," donation, or college books fund.

This is the week to set aside 30, 60, or 90 minutes a day and clean out, give up and organize a sell off so that you can start 2010 with a no-junk-drawer, no excess in my closet/garage/storage unit/trunk/make-up drawer. This last assignment will cost you nothing but TIME! Give yourself the gift of clean, fresh, and ready!

Happy New Year!

Love you all,


Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas-- Dec 23 call info

Playback Dial-in Number: 1-218-486-8703
Playback Access Code: 201812

Be sure to use this telephone number and access code, and not the previous Dial-in Number and access codes associated with the conference call itself.

Be encouraged,


Dimdim Webinar Registration Widget

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Week One: A Reflection and Time to Rejoice!

Saving money, calories, and time in 2009 has been a coaching series designed to encourage each of us to be more aware of what we fill our lives with.

Some of us, at the beginning of our series, might have (1) struggled to fill our lives with material things to make us feel more important to ourselves and others, or (2) eaten food to comfort us when we're feeling hurt or empty, or (3) wrestled with ourselves to be timely or productive, somehow wasting away precious minutes.

I believe that the first step in changing our lives is awareness. After awareness comes the step of admission--to acknowledge that we need help to save money, calories, or time. (So many of you have done that over the course of this year through your postings on the blog.) Though the admission step is humbling, it is also releases shame and guilt from our lives and allows us to put the past behind us (seeing how destructive it has been), no longer admiring or wanting those things that have ultimately kept us from being successful businesspersons, faithful partners or calm parents, and spirit-led children of God. When we're aware of our weaknesses, willing to admit that we have a problem and need help, we CAN CHANGE with an action plan. This is where your dreams turn into goals because you've given yourself specific deadlines. (Each week we've considered how we would save (or spend) money, count our calories (because they matter), and spend (or give) our time to people and projects. Finally, we can celebrate that we have connected weekly as accountability partners, knowing it is the only way to sustain change.

Now, as we come to this week of the year--when we celebrate the reason for this season--the birth of Jesus, son of God who came to earth to take away the sins of the world, we realize that we have been given a second, third, fourth, or fiftieth chance to start over. We have been given--through the person of Jesus Christ--the power to change, the passion to change, and the purpose to change.

God loves you--just the way you are and the way (and who) you are becoming.

God need you--to be His storytellers, the witnesses of His love to all who are searching for Him.

God wants you--He chose you to be His. He sent His beloved son to earth as a baby who grew to be man who would die for you and me.

Now is the time to stop chasing, stop wishing and wanting and simply worship Him.

This is the day and the week to bow down on your knees and with all sincerity tell Him that you love Him, need Him, and want Him. Dallas Willard, author of Hearing God said, "God wants to be wanted."

Take this challenge and I believe that the last few days of this year will be the best days of your life!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Week Two: Call Info + Commencement Link

FYI -- On Saturday Dec 19 from 10:00 to noon EST, I will be giving the Commencement speech at my graduation ceremony. Here is the "live" streaming link that should be accessible real time or shortly thereafter. (Please pray for good travel weather!)

Today's call info:Midwest
Playback Access Code: 842323
Be sure to use this telephone number and access code, and not the previous Dial-in Number and access codes associated with the conference call itself.

Be encouraged (and thank you for encouraging me),
